7tv |
7tvemotes |
Shows you a list of all 7TV emotes of the channel |
User |
7tvsearch |
Search an emote on the 7TV website |
User |
about |
Info about OkayManBot |
User |
accountage |
accage |
Check Accountage of you or other users |
User |
acl |
check lines since this channel is tracked - tracked by ivr, harambelogs or apulxd |
User |
allchatting |
chattingall |
Check how many messages this user has written in #revedtv or #papaplatte since September 1. |
User |
alltimeouts |
timeoutsall |
Check how many timeouts a user get in the specified chat since january 1. |
User |
antiping |
Add an invisible (zero-space) character into every word to avoid mentioning users in chatterino. |
User |
approvesuggest |
approve |
Approve Suggestions |
Admin |
block |
Block commands in the targeted chat |
Developer, Moderator |
blockprefix |
blockemoteprefix |
block emote-prefixes in this chat (1 minute timeout) |
Admin, Broadcaster |
botsubs |
View the bot’s current subscriptions. |
User |
bttvemotes |
bttv |
Shows you a list of all BTTV emotes of the Channel |
User |
bttvsearch |
Search an emote on the BetterTTV website |
User |
channels |
Shows you in how much channels the Bot is |
User |
chatting |
kiandochatting, chattinge |
Check how many messages this user has written in the specified chat |
User |
checkbotprefix |
Check the Bot-Prefix for specified channels |
User |
checkprefix |
prefix |
Gives you the Emote-Prefix of streamers |
User |
cock |
Your cock size |
User |
code |
Returns a link to the current command Code on github |
Developer |
coinflip |
cf |
Just a coinflip 4Head |
User |
color |
Check Color of you or other users |
User |
commands |
cmds |
Shows you a list of all my commands |
User |
content |
Content for stream (only avalible in #florian_2807 |
User |
denysuggest |
deletesuggest |
delete a suggestion |
Admin |
ecount |
count |
You can check how many times an emote was used today |
User |
emoteannounce |
ea |
enable or disable emote announcements in your chat |
Developer, Moderator |
emotegame |
emotequiz |
starts an emote quiz (test) |
Admin |
emotepings |
emoteping |
enable to get pinged if there are new or removed emotes in the specified channel |
emotes |
emotes |
Check Sub-Emotes of a Streamer |
User |
emotesearch |
searchs for emotes on all platforms |
User |
eval |
eval |
Evaluates the given code |
Admin |
ffzemotes |
ffz |
Shows you a list of all FFZ emotes of the Channel |
User |
ffzsearch |
Search an emote on the FFZ Website |
User |
firstline |
fl |
first line command - tracked by apulxd, IVR and harambelogs |
User |
followage |
fa |
Check your Followage |
User |
getaliases |
aliases |
Get the aliases of the specified command |
User |
google |
google search |
User |
help |
Give you information’s about commands |
User |
islive |
live |
Check livestatus of a streamer |
User |
iswebchatter |
Check if a user is chatting with webchat |
User |
join |
Join your Channel |
User |
lastline |
ll |
check after the date where this user typed his last message |
User |
lastseen |
ls |
check after the date where this user typed his last message |
User |
leave |
Leave your Channel |
User |
level |
lvl |
Check Userlevel of you or other users |
User |
massping |
pings everyone in the chat :tf: |
Admin, Broadcaster |
math |
Does math 4Head |
User |
mcl |
Monthly chat lines (tracked by ivr or apulxd logs) |
User |
modage |
modcheck |
Checks if a user is mod in a channel |
User |
momjoke |
mj |
yo momma joke |
User |
pick |
Picks a word from the provided list of words in a message :) |
User |
ping |
pong |
Just a Ping command 4Head |
User |
pingme |
Pings you |
User |
randomcolor |
rc |
Gives you a random Hex-Code |
User |
randomline |
rl, randommessage, rq |
Returns a Random Message you if the channel is logged. |
User |
register |
Enables counting of messages for the user in #revedtv, #papaplatte or #ungespielt |
User |
registereduser |
Check how many user are registered for the chatting command |
User |
registeruser |
Enable count the messages in #revedtv, #papaplatte or #ungespielt for an user |
Developer |
reload |
Reload commands |
Admin |
removesuggestion |
Remove your suggestion |
User |
reset stats |
Resetting Stats of Message Count |
Admin |
restart |
Restarts the bot |
Admin |
say |
echo |
repeat your message |
User |
search |
duckduckgo search |
User |
searchusername |
su |
Not available |
Admin |
setlevel |
Set Userlevel |
Admin |
setprefix |
Change Bot-Prefix for the targeted chat |
Developer, Broadcaster |
showsuggestions |
Returns a Hastebin link with current suggestions. |
Admin |
spam |
spams something into the chat (max. 50) |
User |
spotify |
check what flo is listening :) |
Admin |
subage |
sa |
Check your Subage |
User |
subemotes |
Shows you all subemote of a streamer |
Admin |
suggest |
Suggest something, that can help the bot :) |
User |
test |
Test |
Admin |
timeouts |
Check how many timeouts a user get in the specified chat today |
User |
topchatter |
topchatters, topchatting, top |
Shows the chatter with the most messages in #revedtv or #papaplatte today |
User |
topchatterall |
topallchatter |
Shows the chatter with the most messages in #revedtv, #papaplatte or #ungespielt since january 1. |
User |
toptimeouts |
Shows the chatter with the most timeouts in #revedtv, #papaplatte or #ungespielt today |
User |
toptimeoutsall |
topalltimeouts |
Shows the chatter with the most timeouts in #revedtv, #papaplatte or #ungespielt since september 1. |
User |
unblock |
Unblock commands in the targeted chat |
Developer, Moderator |
unregister |
Disables counting of messages for the user in #revedtv or #papaplatte |
User |
unregisteruser |
Disable count the messages in #revedtv or #papaplatte for an User |
Developer |
uptime |
Shows the uptime of the bot |
User |
vipage |
vipcheck |
Checks if a user is vip in a channel |
User |
whispers |
whisper |
gives you a link to you whispers in fullscreen |
User |
wikihow |
Gives you a wikihow link :) |
User |
write |
Write a message in the targeted channel |
Admin |
ycl |
check lines for this whole year - tracked by ivr, harambelogs or apulxd |
User |